
Time: 5 minutes

Specter was launched to make it easier to set up a multisig construction. It offers an easy to use tool which you can view in your browser. To keep this part of the guide somewhat simple, you must have physical access to your node to use Specter. To use Specter and set up a multisig you need to connect your hardware wallets to the Pi. A clear explanation of how to use Specter can be found at the bottom of the page. In this section, we'll cover how to install and open Specter.

SSH into your Pi and run the installation command for the necessary tools.

sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev python3-pip -y

Next, install Specter.

pip3 install cryptoadvance.specter

And finally, you start Specter with:

python3 -m cryptoadvance.specter server --host --port 25441

The tool will now run in the background on port number :25441. Open your browser and go to the ip of your pi:port number. It will look something like:

If you are using a firewall it is important that you open the corresponding port.

sudo ufw allow 25441 comment "Port for Specter"


As with all the other tools in this guide, we will run Specter in the background. This way you don't have to manually start Specter every time before you can use it.

Create a service.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/specter.service

Paste the following into it.

ExecStart=python3 -m cryptoadvance.specter server --host --port 25441

Save the file with Ctrl + X followed by Y.

Activate the service.

sudo systemctl enable specter

And start the service.

sudo systemctl start specter

Go to http://PI-IP-ADDRESS:25441 to see if it works. For example


Every now and then a new version of Specter is released. Updating is pretty easy. First you throw the service off.

sudo systemctl stop specter

Updating is done as follows.

pip3 install cryptoadvance.specter --upgrade

Finally, you start the service again with the systemctl command.

sudo systemctl start specter

Once you go back to the Specter website as described earlier, you will see the version number at the bottom left.

Using Specter